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President’s Corner

Yes, it’s true! Tom Brady and 10 additional world-class speakers will be at EXMA MIAMI 2024 on April 20th at the Watsco Center in Miami; and the American Marketing Association South Florida is a partner of this great event!!! 

After our great success with the Florida Panthers in the “Strategic Connections: Leadership and Marketing” event, another opportunity comes to Miami for you to go from ideas into action. An opportunity for you to test your limits and be part of the 1% that is changing the world. 

Tom Brady, Fernando Anzures, Romero Britto, Tom Bilyeu, Vilma Núñez, Ismael Cala, Spencer Hoffmann, Verónica Ruiz del Vizo, and more speakers live, on a single stage, for one day; that will transform your thinking. This event will be in English and Spanish (simultaneous translation in both languages). 

Buy your tickets with the AMA link; and we give you a rebate starting at $40 with your annual membership with automatic renewal for the AMA.

If you are not a member, now is the time to do it: Become a member 

Thanks to everyone for the support in our activities, where we work passionately for our members and the marketing community in South Florida

See you there! 

Camilo Caicedo. 

Instagram: @camicaicedot

LinkedIn: Camilo Caicedo

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